Last Updated: 04/11/2024

1. Quality Policy

FSSA Council provides quality training services (Both professional qualifications and continuing education) to a wide variety of learners and is committed to do so on time. We summaries our quality policies as described below:

• We are committed to meet the needs of learners in terms of providing value add- ed quality learning through our professional qualifications & continuing education courses.
• We shall create a healthy & harmonious, Industry – Institute relationship to produce learners of highest quality.
• We will strive to continually enhance the effectiveness of learning services by implementing international standard in order to be globally competitive.
• The management is committed to ensuring compliance to the regulations and standards.

2. Data Protection Policy

FSSA Council needs to retain information about its employees, learners and other users to allow it to monitor performance, achievements, health and safety etc. It also needs to process information so that staff can be recruited and paid, courses organized and fulfil legal obligations to funding bodies and government complied with.

To comply with the law, information must be collected and used fairly, stored safely and not disclosed to any other person unlawfully. To do this, we comply with the Data Protection Principles, which are set out in the Data Protection Act 1998.

In summary, the data shall:

• Be obtained and processed fairly and lawfully and shall not be processed unless certain conditions are met.
• Be obtained for a specified and lawful purpose and shall not be processed in any
manner incompatible with that purpose.
• Be adequate, relevant and not excessive for those purposes.
Be accurate and up to date.
• Not be kept for longer than is necessary for that purpose.
• Be processed in accordance with the data subject’s rights.
• Be kept safe from unauthorized access, accidental loss or destruction.
Not be transferred to a country outside India, unless that country has equivalent levels of protection for personal data

3. Health & Safety Policy

We recognise our responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (and other relevant legislation) and are fully committed to do all in our power to protect the safety, health and welfare of staff, learners and others.

We aim to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, safe premises, equipment and systems of work without risk to health. We recognise the importance of safety and efficiency in prevention of accidents and injuries and will make health and safety a priority.

To comply with the statutory requirements regarding the safety, health and welfare of tutors, learners and relevant others to whom we have legal responsibilities.
• To provide equipment that is safe and without risk to health.
• To provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety of tutors, learners and relevant others.
• To maintain the training environment in a condition that is safe and without risks to health (including safe means of access and egress to and from the places of work).
• To provide and maintain a working environment which is safe and without risks to health, including appropriate facilities and arrangements for the welfare of employees.
• To identify and work for the elimination or control of hazards.

4. Equality & Diversity Policy

FSSA Council is committed to developing, maintaining and supporting a culture of equality and diversity in the institute in which staff & learners are treated equitably, and where they can realize their potential irrespective of their age, race, coloUr, nationality, ethnic origin, creed, disability, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity, marital or civil partnership status, parental status, religion, belief or non-belief, social or economic class, employment status, or any other criteria that cannot be shown to be properly justifiable.

5. Training Cancellation Policy

This policy applies to all trainings (Online/Onsite).

We recognise that there may be times when students are unable to attend booked training and we aim to be helpful and flexible in accommodating cancellation requests wherever possible. However, cancellations may affect our costs and the quality of training for other students, therefore any decisions relating to cancellations will be at the final discretion of the Director – Trainings & Education.

Customer Cancellation
◦ Cancellations received up to 14 days before the start of the training start date will not be refunded but shall be adjusted in later batch(es).
◦ No refund will be given for cancellations received 1-7 days prior to the training start date.
No refund will be given for failing to attend the training without any prior notification

Organisation Cancellation
◦ We reserve the right to cancel or change the training at any time, including but not limited to, lack of participation, venue and equipment unavailability, equipment or trainer availability.
◦ We will aim to provide you with a minimum of 14 days notification, or the earliest possible notification of any changes where unforeseen circumstances have resulted in the change.
◦ Learners will not be charged for the training and we will endeavour to provide alternative training arrangements
◦ We will not be deemed liable for any director or indirect consequential costs that the learner may have incurred as a result of cancelled training, including, but not limited to, accommodation and transportation costs.

General Disclaimer
◦ We shall not be liable for damages resulting from errors or omissions in the training resources.
◦ We shall not be liable for any damages that result from the use of the training materials or content from the training programme.

6. Complaints Policy

Our complaints policy is to ensure that all complaints are handled fairly, consistently and wherever possible resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction.

FSSA Councils responsibility will be to:

• acknowledge the formal complaint in writing;
• respond within a stated period of time;
• deal reasonably and sensitively with the complaint;
• take action where appropriate

Complainants’ responsibility is to:

• bring their complaint, in writing, to FSSA Councils attention normally within 4 weeks of the issue arising;
• raise concerns promptly and directly with a member of staff in FSSA Council
• explain the problem as clearly and as fully as possible, including any action taken to date;
• allow FSSA Council a reasonable time to deal with the matter;
• recognise that some circumstances may be beyond FSSA Councils control.

Note: Except in exceptional circumstances, every attempt will be made to ensure that both the complainant and FSSA Council maintain confidentiality. However, the circumstances giving rise to the complaint may be such that it may not be possible to maintain confidentiality (with each complaint judged on its own merit). Should this be the case, the situation will be explained to the complainant.

7. Learner Support & Reasonable Adjustments Policy

As part of our Equal Opportunities Policy, we are committed to providing access and
individual learning support to learners by making reasonable adjustments whenever possible.
We endeavour to uphold human rights relating to race relations, disability discrimination and any special educational needs of our learners, and to provide equable reasonable adjustments and special considerations for all learners on our programmes. We expect you to have a fair access to training and assessment.

We recognise that reasonable adjustments or special considerations may be required at the time of assessment where:

◦ learners have a permanent disability or specific learning needs
◦ learners have a temporary disability, medical condition or learning needs
◦ learners are indisposed at the time of the assessment

We aim to make suitable provision for reasonable adjustments and special consideration arrangements to ensure that learners receive recognition of their achievement so long as the equity, validity and reliability of the assessments can be assured.

Reasonable Adjustments
Reasonable adjustments are to be communicated, approved and set in place before the assessment takes place. The use of a reasonable adjustment will not be taken into consideration during the assessment of a learner’s work.

8. Appeals Policy

This Appeals Policy & Procedure applies to any learner who wishes to appeal against their assessment decision.
◦ All learners are assessed against our published assessment criteria.
◦ All learners who agree to take our assessment will have received full written and verbal assessment instructions, assessment criteria and support towards assessment completion.
◦ All learners will be assessed by competent trained assessors.
A learner who wishes to appeal against an assessment decision may do so, following this Assessment Appeals Procedure.

9. Prevent Duty & Safeguarding Policy

FSSA Council is committed to safeguarding all learners who attend our programmes. The purpose of this policy is to develop good practice for all learners about whom we may have particular concerns regarding their health, safety or welfare. The policy applies to all learners and includes, although is not exclusive to the following adults over 18 years of age who may be at risk, regardless of age, class, ethnicity, gender, marital status, religion or belief, disability, sexual orientation or gender reassignment.

10. Plagiarism Policy

All the assessment work should be based on original ideas and shall be covered by zero tolerance policy on plagiarism. In case plagiarism is found, then it will be brought uner disciplinary action and necessary action will be taken. Therefore, proper attribution, acknowledgement of source(s) in accordance with the rules and regulations laid down by FSSA Council is mandatory.

11. Equal Opportunity and Accessibility:

Adherence to regulations ensuring that assessments are accessible to all learners, including those with disabilities, to provide fair opportunities.

12. Assessment Validity and Reliability:

Ensuring that assessments are valid (measure what they are supposed to measure) and reliable (produce consistent results). This is often outlined in educational standards and guidelines.

13. Qualifications and Competency of Assessors:

Meeting requirements for assessor qualifications and-competencies to ensure that assessments are conducted by qualified individuals.